Dec 29, 2015

Approaching the other end of 2015's spectrum of events

What a way to end the year, huh? Remembering this time last year I was resolved to abandon all love and hope. But months later I discovered that even in love we can start anew and amend our problems. To recognize there is a problem and to willingly admit yes, it is a [my] mistake and that it needs to be fixed. 

Should I say that an overdue gratitude is warranted for my medical studies in helping me with my relationship? I learnt a lot from advance communication sessions namely how to actively do self-reflection, learn to accept criticism and how to give constructive feedback. And with that I develop a certain way of how to deal with my relationship and along with it, my next goal - to improve myself.

After all these years of selfishness and wanting to have things my way, I saw my mistakes. There are things men are supposed to be, mature men supposed to be, which are very unlike how I behave in the past. I was still unhappy even when I got what I wanted because I did it in the expense of her misery. Now that I flip the whole idea - make her happy first and see what will happen to me - I am a lot, lot happier.

It is a work in progress, still. It may never be finished (as I'm very prone to make blunders and a slow learner) but the thing that I can confidently say right now is that I can face my mistakes directly and openly now. Yes, I may still get a little upset when it does happen but I'm quicker to see the errors in my way nowadays. As the saying goes: To err is human. But to continuously erring is a fool.

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