Mar 20, 2023


and damn, I feel old.

This year, let's play birthday number trivia (because I'm old, lame, and got nothing interesting to say hahah *cry*). So here are 33 things to know about me:

1. A southpaw (leftie)
2. Can't say the letter R and every word with R in it
3. I'm really touchy about #2 so if you make fun of me then we won't be friends 
4. A moderate motion sickness sufferer
5. 6'1" tall
6. 20 kg heavier than ideal BMI weight limit 😖
7. Short sighted with minimal astigmatism
8. Inherited gray hair from my maternal family that manifests waaaay early in life
9. Love spicy food but my gut can't tolerate it
10. Love coffee
11. Love durian, pineapples, mangoes
12. Love food with gravy
13. Love making Google sheets, PowerPoint presentations, and organizing work-related documentation in digital form

Damn.. another 20 things about me. I'm already tired. 

14. Hate deadline assignments
15. Hate when something technical or digital malfunctions
16. An occasional road rager
17. Have a propensity to get lost when driving even when assisted by GPS
18. Not a car person. It's nice to drive nice cars but as long as I can go from A to B any car will do
19. Love listening to the same songs over and over again everyday
20. Poor at reading music 
21. Inept at playing any musical instrument
22. Tone deaf
23. Hate listening to my own voice
24. Has never been to a karaoke after being ridiculed for my R and my voice
25. Avid day dreamer and a maker of far-fetched fantasies
26. Incoherent storyteller
27. Easily entertained by funny things
28. Avid, avid manga/manhwa reader since 16 years old
29. Love playing offline third person open world RPG games
30. Hate competitive online shooting/fighting/sport games
31. Love vanilla in ice-cream, chocolates in cakes, custards in pastries
32. Love being indoor during weekends by default
33. Since entering 30s, prefers slacks over jeans (don't you dare say a word)

That's it, folks. I'm gonna treat myself with some nice sugars after work today kbye

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